How To Know The Right Prosthesis That Is Good For You.
So, how do you know which prosthesis is right for you? You can start to know the answer to that by doing research now, and showing up prepared to discuss the following:

Silicone artificial fingers and hands may be needed due to:
- What is your ideal device?
- What is it about that device that you like best?
- What do you think that device will provide you with that other devices wouldn’t?
- What do you do for a living?
- Your hobbies?
- What are your goals?
Alternative devices if you don’t have the right budget.
Sun-Tech Prosthetics & Orthotics LTD encourage our patients to have an open mind even when they have an idea of the prosthesis they want. To adequately do their research ahead of time before coming in for consultation to ensure flexibility on the type of prosthetic devices they need.
We ensure to list the different types of prosthetics and recommend the required one for each individual based on their work, lifestyle and other needs.
Sun-Tech Prosthetics & Orthotics LTD encourage our patients to have an open mind even when they have an idea of the prosthesis they want. To adequately do their research ahead of time before coming in for consultation to ensure flexibility on the type of prosthetic devices they need.
We ensure to list the different types of prosthetics and recommend the required one for each individual based on their work, lifestyle and other needs.
- Therefore, our patients always want to be normal regardless of the choices we make in order not to be different in society during the consultation.Then our seasoned prosthetist, would explain the pros, and the cons, and make recommendations after the discussion to ensure the right Prosthetics to use considering the type of work the patient does. It’s important to keep an open mind for two basic reasons: To recommend a prosthetic device for you based on your goals and our experience (we base that recommendation on what we have seen work best for other patients with similar goals and lifestyles to yours) and
- The budget of the patient. Our patient’s opinion is important to the process and we will recommend the best device for their needs and support our recommendation to their sponsors if there are any.
We have had patients come in and say that they’d really like a multi-articulating myoelectric hand. After interviewing them about what they do for a living and their hobbies, we may recommend a different device which can match up to that patient’s lifestyle. You can call us to learn more about different devices and what they can do for you.
Kindly check out our patient’s joy of getting the right prosthesis.